Recent News

Sound Project Showcase - Celebrating 6 years of a successful collaboration

We are pleased to announce that for the sixth consecutive year, we have joined forces with FASS to facilitate a multidisciplinary collaboration between 3rd-year students in the BSc in Games Development (BGD) and the Bachelor of Music and Sound Design (MSD).

The two cohorts have done an amazing job combining their areas of expertise and have created seven exciting games with fantastic music and sound effects.

SEGAH'22 was an absolute success!

Earlier in August, the UTS Games Studio had the pleasure to host the 10th iteration of the International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SEGAH 2022).

This conference aims at creating a space for sharing knowledge, experiences, and scientific and technical results, related to state-of-the-art solutions and technologies on serious games and applications for health and healthcare.

UTS Games Graduates Hangout

With the UTS Bachelor of Science in Games Development (now just Bachelor of Games Development) being successfully re-accredited this year, we want to take the chance to catchup with all the graduates that have made this degree such a success and celebrate the last five years of the degree and more.

Outstanding Paper Award at the GET2022 Conference. Congratulations Elena & Madiha

The paper "Gamification Of Discussoo: An Online Ai-Based Forum For Serious Discussions" was selected for the Outstanding Paper Award at the 15th International Conference on Game and Entertainment Technologies 2022

Congratulations to the authors: Elena Bakhanova, Madiha Anjum, Jaime A. Garcia, William L. Raffe and Alexey Voinov on this success story.
