
Design in Virtual Reality (VR) Racing Games: Engaging the User’s Sense of Speed

The rapid development of realistic simulations in racing games has led to the undermining of a user’s sense of speed, reducing their immersion. This effect is more apparent in Virtual Reality (VR) racing games where users need this immersion to have a comfortable experience. If users are not immersed in the VR racing experience, they will be less engaged as a result of cybersickness. This project aims to develop a framework to assist game developers, and the research field of game design, on understanding how to engage a user’s sense of speed in a VR racing game.

Combatting Postnatal Depression: Exploring The Role of Serious Games in New Parent Support

This study seeks to utilise digital and serious game technologies, along with early detection innovations, to assist perinatal infant mental health (PIMH) clinicians in supporting parents in their third trimester of pregnancy, including both birthing and non-birthing parents. The goal is to address the stigma surrounding postnatal depression (PND), which can become a barrier to seeking timely professional assessment and treatment, and there are limited interventions for those in the pregnancy phase.

An analytical framework for better access within Virtual Reality

As Virtual Reality is becoming more mainstream access for disabled people becomes more important, especially those with movement-related disabilities. People with movement-related disabilities are often combined with other forms of physical disabilities and thus are often under-reported here in Australia, This proves to be a problem as movement-related disabilities require specific care. This project will provide a framework to be used to design software and tools that may be used to provide better access to mobility-related disabled people in Virtual Reality.

It’s More Than Emulation - Towards a Proactive Approach to Games Preservation

The games industry has been notoriously neglectful towards the act of preservation since the establishment of the medium, often leaving acts of archival to the eleventh hour. Whilst some of the larger studios, such Electronic Arts have adopted a more inclusive archival process, the damage has already been done, and the consequences are beginning starting to loom over the industry. Around 87% of all games released prior to the advent of digital storefronts are commercially unavailable - a worse survival rate than the legendarily ephemeral American Silent Film era of motion pictures.

Adaptive Digital Twin Systems for Long-Distance Relationships: Enhancing Intergenerational Companionship Between Parents and Their Adult Children

Long-Distance Relationships (LDRs) involve individuals separated geographically due to factors like work, school, or travel. While much research has focused on romantic relationships or grandparent-grandchild bonds, less attention has been given to the emotional dynamics between parents and their adult children, particularly as global mobility and longer lifespans increase. Maintaining strong emotional connections across distances is crucial for emotional well-being, with communication tools like social media, email, and mobile phones helping bridge the gap.

Predicting Acoustics: The auralization of dynamic, real-time virtual environments using supervised learning.

The computational complexity of simulating acoustics makes auralization difficult to achieve in highly dynamic, real-time video game virtual environments. Current methods are either too computationally intensive to run in real-time or require offline baking of acoustic characteristics making it difficult to be used in dynamic environments. Current advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence may make acoustic prediction a viable path to auralizing virtual environments.

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Navigation in Dynamic Digital Environments

Non-player characters (NPCs) are a crucial component of modern video game development as they directly influence player immersion. A core action of most NPCs is movement, the ability of an agent to take actions in order to navigate from one location in the world to another. The most common approach to navigation is through a Navigation Mesh (NavMesh), a graph representation of the traversable environment. As video game budgets have expanded, so too has the demand for both increased NPC capabilities and world complexity.

How video games give players the opportunity to explore gender

This project aims to explore the research done on how video games give players the opportunity to explore gender, focusing on transgender and non-binary people’s experiences while giving baseline information on cisgender people. This prokect will explore the literature created within four categories: mental health, social, the avatar and the game world, and teaching and therapy tools. Mental health benefits help give the player critical thinking, as well as creating an escape to relieve stress and help with depression and anxiety.

A Framework for Reducing Racism, Sexism and Sexual Discrimination in Online Gaming

Currently, there is very little diverse representation in video games which can lead to harmful abuse of minority groups within the online gaming sphere. Recently, there have been attempts to address the prejudice but there is no consensus on the best way forward, or any concrete solutions proposed.

This work will provide a framework to assist and support the games development industry in reducing prejudice towards minority groups
