Recent News

The 2017 Music and Sound Design + Games Development 3rd Year Student Showcase (FEIT + FASS)

This year, for the first time ever, we joined forces with FASS in order to facilitate a multidisciplinary collaboration between 3rd year students in the BSc in Games Development and in Music and Sound Design.

The students have done an amazing job combining their areas of expertise and have created four exciting games with fantastic music and sound effects.

Games for Preserving the Noongar Language

Last September, Kate Appleby, Adam Fonfarski and Dr. Jaime Garcia (members of the UTS Games Studio) along with A/Prof Chris Lawrence, Dr. Tuck Leon, A/Prof Valerie Gay (From the School of Computing and Communications), Susan Hansen (PhD Candidate) and John Kirby (Aboriginal Civil Engineering student), went on a exploratory trip to Bunbury to gather information/data for the Aboriginal maternal health child health research project using technology and innovation to improve the lives and opportunities for the next generation of Aboriginal kids.

The Amazing UTS Games Studio Student Showcase (Autumn 2017)

Earlier this month, the School of Software held the Amazing UTS Games Studio Student Showcase. This year, we had 30+ student groups demonstrating the games they created for the 'Introduction to Game Design' and 'Game Design Studio 1' subjects

 On this particular occasion, we formed a multi-disciplinary judging panel that: 

  1.  Voted for the best game of the night (an award was given to the winning teams)
  2. Graded the student projects in an unbiased manner

 The panel consisted of our:

CeBIT 2017 Strategic Panel

Dr. William Raffe participated in a Strategic Panel at the CeBIT 2017 conference on Wednesday 24th May. CeBIT is Australia's premier Bussiness and IT free public expo that brings together businesses of all sizes, innovators, and educators to discuss the future of the Australian technology sector. CeBIT 2017 saw over 15,000 attendees pass through the exhibition halls and seminar rooms of the Sydney International Convention Center over three days.
