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PhD student's success at 2019 HDR Showcase

Congratulations to Game Studio Ph.D. candidate Ezwan Shah Abd Majid for his recent win at the 2019 FEIT HDR Showcase.

Ezwan's poster 'Serious Games to Empower Emotional Change for Paediatric Cancer Patients' was one of the best three submissions in the student poster category.

The winning poster presents the design considerations for a serious game that aims at providing emotional support for kids in the latest stages of cancer.

IMMERSE made it into the 2019 Sydney Festival

We are happy to share that the UTS Games Studio has been successful in participating in the 2019 Sydney Festival.

IMMERSE, a one-of-a-kind project, consisted of 360-degree video projections that morphed and changed in response to live performances of classical and electronic music. This new collaborative project was created for the UTS Data Arena, an interactive audiovisual space.

IMMERSE originated from the idea that all new knowledge builds on past knowledge. The music performed reflects, abstracts and contemplates works that have gone before. 
