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The 2018 UTS Student Games Showcase

We are pleased to invite you to the annual UTS Autumn Student Games Showcase.

This event was a great success last year and it is going to be even better this year.

It is a chance to celebrate our students' accomplishments this semester and show-off their skills as game designers/developers to a wider audience.

Join us for an evening of playing games made by UTS students at various stages of their study, networking with industry and research partners, and enjoying free food, and prizes!

The details of the event are as follows:

Workshop on: Agents and Models in Serious Games for Change and Social Good (IVA 2018)

This workshop brings together two key topics in their respective global research fields: intelligent agents and serious game design. Both are proving more important every year as means of engaging large audiences with new ways of thinking about social interaction, entertainment, culture, social policy, the environment and the way we work and learn. Bringing together the concepts, technologies, and methodologies of the two fields holds the potential to allow their combined strengths to further drive engagement, communication, and understanding between innumerable groups around the world.
