If you like breaking bots then it's time to recharge those quantum batteries and get ready to lock and download through the mines of Crystal Mech. Traverse through the crystalized mines as the malfunctioning mech, thwarting off your robotic brethren with a variety of different weapons and play styles to choose from. Crystal Mech is a top down, arcade-like experience where the objective is to obtain the highest score by traversing the deepest depths of the randomly generated mine, using the resources you have available to ensure your survival. As you turn more automatons into scrap metal, your once incapable mech will gain more score and become a true terminator through power levelling your stats, wielding new weapons and unlocking resourceful abilities. You'll want to keep on your toes however as your enemies will also upgrade their stats to become more powerful threats the further you travel. See how high your Crystal Mech score gets in your next cave carnage quest and see if you are worthy to be crowned the most advanced battle bot of them all.