UTS Games Studio invited to participate at the 2023 JIS Summit: Serious Games for Health

Earlier this month, the UTS Games Studio was given the opportunity to participate at the JIS 2023 Summit hosted by the Hospital Italiano the Buenos Aires

As part of this invitation, Dr Jaime Garcia ran an online session where he talked about the most relevant work in the space of Serious Games for Health

This talk included the methods used in the process of creating serious games with health purposes and featured the following projects:

  • The Step Kinnection Project: The StepKinnection project explores the use of interactive video games to reduce the risk of falling in the elderly.
  • The MobileRehApp: Mobile RehApp brings your clinically prescribed rehabilitation exercises to your fingertips in an augmented fun and interactive way.
  • Project ELAINE: This project explores a new concept where physical exercise and gameplay don't have to happen at the same time. Instead, seniors can workout at their own pace in their own time, and we automatically link this activity into the game.
  • Project NATAL: This project aims at designing an exergame systems that provides appropriate balance between exertion and entertainment, whilst avoiding contraindications that exist for pregnant women during exercise. 

Special thanks to Dr. Santiafo de Matos Lima for giving us the opportunity to share the lessons we've learned throughout the years.

We look forward to participating in the upcoming iteration of the JIS Summit